Welcome to my website

One of my favourite movies is The Princess Bride. A memorable quote for me is when The Dread Pirate Robert says:

“Life is pain, anyone who tries to tell you differently is trying to sell you something.”

That sentiment is one of the reasons I wanted to have a patient-focused website. I know that pain is part of our journey through life, and I am not trying to sell you anything. Over the years, the explosion of information available to patients online has been both a blessing and a curse. I often find that the health information available is linked to commercial enterprises.

Medical disclaimer:
This website is designed according to the Canadian Medical Protective Association’s guidelines. It is for general medical information, and not to replace your contact with your clinician. It is of greatest value to my patients, to supplement our clinical relationship. The general information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as professional medical advice to be used for diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it a substitute for any of such. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers who are properly licensed to practice medicine or general healthcare in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this website and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program. Information obtained on this website is not always extensive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment.

No physician-patient relationship:
The presentation of general information on this website does not establish a physician-patient relationship between you and me or any physician I am associated with. It is not intended as a solicitation of individuals to become patients or clients to its owner or any of its physicians.

No endorsements:
Unless specifically stated, the website’s owner does not recommend or endorse any specific brand of products, services, procedures, or other information that appears or that may be advertised on this website.